The Use of The "Wipe" is not Enough, We must Exfoliate Our Skin at Least Twice or Every Third Day.
Hello my blogger's friends of "Dress is an Art" ✋ since a time ago I wanted to talk about Why, How, When; of the fundamental and benefits of Exfoliating Our Beautiful Body, The biggest organ...that is Our Skin.
I will divide this article very interesting, in two parts, so as not to get you tire of reading.
The most intimate moment is our daily bath, but... two or three times a week, instead of my daily rain bath which for many of us takes between 20 and 40 minutes, I prefer a hot tub. ⌚
There is nothing better to get rid of stress, than a delicious, restorative, invigorating and renewal of dead cells, (later on, we will talk about this topic). A "Bath in the Tub" it is like a stimulator of positive energy for our mind, I assure you, when you accept it "your bath tub" as an habit, you'll never stop enjoying it. You need to Take time for "your bath tub" it is important even once a week, for me it has been very beneficial for my mental health, de-stress, and for my skin. 😌
In the market there are a variety of chemical exfoliants, but for me it is preferable (as they say to the old fashion).
For this reason I would recommend you buy natural sand, or else let the eggshells dry and then you will pulverize them, you will see and notice the great difference; that the skin of your face, of your whole body will be like the skin of babies, soft!
I forgot something very important, when it comes to bathing, use your favorite soap and spread it with sand or eggshell powder, and you start rubbing with circular massages, starting with your face, avoiding the eye area, and then the rest of your body.
I guess you have ever had the fortune to go to the sea, to the beaches, and you have walked barefoot on the sand, the sea waves have hit your body, so when you get home to take a bath, you have noticed that your skin it's different, it's quite soft, if you have noticed that the same thing does not happen with river water, since sea water is salty, and it has a lot of sand, and the sand has served your body as an exfoliator.
Are you ready for your bath in the tub? Try to have at hand everything you are going to use, to avoid leaving the tub for something that you forgot; get slip and have an accident, remembering that the water is with soap.
So... get the soap, shampoo, hair conditioner, baking soda, some cream to revitalize your hair, the cream hair remover for your legs and the armpits, cream for your body, it could be baby oil, coconut oil, or some cream of your choice.
I always leave the body cream with perfume for later, before to put on my sleepwear, (I love to smell myself nice, or you can use some cologne or perfume. Don'ts forget the cissors for your manicure, stone pumice for the soles of the feet, everything you usually use in your personal bath.

If you are like me, you already have everything separately in their respective cartridge strips. Exfoliating cream for removal of dead skin cells and impurities, the exfoliates gloves to help exfoliate your skin, and if you have a lemon in your kitchen, split in two; I will explain later what for you need it.
Now...You have almost everything done!...Enjoy listen music, read a magazine, or watch TV... if you have the TV in the bathroom, please be very careful DO NOT manipulate the remote control during your bath, you could get electrocute.
My "bath-tub" is as Enrique Iglesias song "A Religious Experience" 😃 and has to be yours too...😊
I do not drink, but if you like it, you can take advantage and a excuse of preparing a glass of wine or the drink of your preference (please, only one glass)😋
Fill the tub with warm water as much as your skin can withstand. You can pour "Magnesium Sulphate Epson" into the water or salt from your kitchen 1/2 cup, and some mild liquid soap.
What is the Skin? The skin is the larger organ of our body, which protect us from the environment. For those who are interesting in more information:
Why is it Very Important to Exfoliate Our Skin? For many years I have been learning that the skin cells of an adult are renewed approximately 19 kilos/41.888 pounds of dead cells are changed throughout our lives.
How to Maintain, Protect, and Care Our Skin?
Since we born, we already started with the aging process of our skin and the cells have a renewal cycle. Our skin regenerates every day; so every day we have dead cells. 😔

Shampoo and rinse your hair, use some cream to revitalize your hair, let it act until the end of your bath.
Why your hair first? because as you are exfoliating your body, the water will be full of cells of your dead skin and you do not want these dead cells to end in your hair again. Do not forget to change to fresh/clean water from time to time from your tub.
Put on your exfoliant gloves, rub the soap until you have enough spunk, the baking soda, or the Exfoliating cream on your skin in circular motions, concentrating first on your forehead, around the nose, the cheeks, your chin, around your lips and your neck. 😌
Never the eyelids, only around the eyes. We continue with the arms, the armpits and the elbows, the torso, the back, the legs, the feet that sometimes we do not pay attention that should have every day.

Now that you're finished with your bath-tub, finish your final bath with a rain-water, rinse your hair, put your conditioner and if you have the lemon, use one half for your armpits, the other half for your elbows.
The lemon will clear your skin of this part of your body that usually is darker than the rest of our body.
If you increase this habit once a week, I assure you that in a short time you will see positive results for your skin and your mind will be strengthened. 😏