talk a little bit about...
The psychological effects that colors have on us.
Since ancient times was associated that the colors influence our emotions. The psychologists began to undertake studies to investigate the effects that produce the colors in humans and came to the conclusion that in fact have a great influence on the psychology of people and how the colors we choose are associated with emotions People's feelings, whether we have an episode of sadness, or happiness. But sometimes the colors are contradictory.
Therefore the colors we use affect us in some way in our daily living. Determining that the colors have a psychological effect on our mood, we can transmit peace, relaxation, calm or restlessness. They also found that the colors have the power and the energy to captivate, attract, seduce, reject, and banish the people. The Psychological Effects of the White Color. The White Color symbolizes purity and innocence, the color of the good and of the spirits. It represents purity and dignity. It evokes the kindness and absolute enlightenment that many people seek for their lives. If you want to project peace and something very positive, it is good that you use white. Wearing white gives us an elegant style. A house that predominates the white color in its interior, gives a sense of space, spaciousness, cleanliness and hygiene.

The Psychological Effects of Red Color. The Red Color is a warm color, suggesting and insinuating strong emotions, erotic and passionate. Red is associated and generates feelings of love, excitement, confidence, sexuality, luxury, comfort, energy, danger, power, red is the color of nobility and rich.
What and why ... can we understand the "psychological meaning of colors"? Because the use of colors in our everyday world is an important topic.
Psychological Effects of Green Color Green color is a very beautiful color one of the most complex colors, that represents the nature, the vegetation. It also represents the serenity, well-being, love, compassion, peace, good luck, health. It is believed that the green relieves stress and helps to heal. The green color represents the spring and new growth, it is associated with fertility, symbolizes hope, money.
This topic of colors seems to me quite interesting that should not go unnoticed by us. The colors affect in any way our mood.
As I commented in my previous post Why are the colors important? Find out... in relation to psychological influence; how colors affect us in our behavior.We generally have a preference toward a color more than the other, and if we look at our closet we will realize that there will be a color that prevails, both, in our clothes as in our home. Psychologists say that when we feel happy we choose bright colors, if we are sad it is likely that we chose dark colors and the energy of the colors come into us through sight and we will react without realizing it.
How interesting is learning about colors, every day we are learning something, something that was overlooked and we do not pay attention to it.
Well, let's continue discovering what psychologists teach us about how important colors are ...
Psychological Effects of Orange ColorIt is said that the Orange Color is the color of the fun, sociability, represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success. It is the color of the autumn, warmth, security, sensuality, passion, abundance. Orange is great for a call to attention.
The Psychological Effects of the Purple Color
The Color Purple of Power, the color of theology, magic, feminism. The color of spirituality, penance and sobriety. The most unique and extravagant color. Purple: associated with royalty, wealth, and luxury, as well as spirituality and wisdom. Purple is a exotic color.
The Psychological Effect of the Rose Color
The Pink Color is delicate, tender. The color of charm, courtesy. Positive Color warmth, femininity, love, sexuality. Pink is a powerful color, psychologically. It represents the feminine principle. The favorite color of our girls.
The Psychological Effect of the Gold Color
The Gold Color is the color of extravagance, money, happiness, luxury, wealth, riches, it is a warm color that can be either bright and cheerful. It is associated with love, compassion, courage, passion, success, prosperity, power, aid in health and wellness, the color of the presumptuous.
The Psychological Effects of the Grey Color
The Grey is the only color that has no direct psychological properties. Is the color of the commitment and mysterious.😉 According to professionals in the field of psychology, the meaning that has been given to colors is defined in the effect they have on our psychological mood of mind, since the beginning of different cultures on our planet.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If so, share it.
Tip: I recommend you to buy a "Color Wheel" which will help you acquire the knowledge of the combination of the colors.
Reflection: The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Be positive in the negative.
Best of luck in your day...! 😊