Updated: 03/14/22 How important is the concept of friendship to you?
What is Friendship? I would like to share with you my opinion on "Friendship and Treason". I think many of us have real friends, priceless friends, but we also had those "treacherous friends".
I had prepared another topic, but after having been fortunate enough to meet again after several years with Rosa Maria O'Hara Estela, one of my dear childhood friends, I began to think how nice "friendship" is, when in friendship material things are not involved, it is a totally disinterested affection.
I would like to talk with you a subject on "Friendship"We know that friendship is an effective relationship that develops between two or more people, at different stages of our life.
What is the meaning of friendship to you?
All these components of friendship are born, and that we are cultivating with another person, who flourishes without realizing it, and grows slowly, gradually, with the frequent communication over time.
Friendship is a beautiful feeling and can given with those who have more affinity in terms of tastes, feelings, preferences and interests, with whom we have more similarity, it is an effective relationship that is based on caring, integrity.
Yes, why not? It is said that...The dog is the man's faithful friend. 😁I remember, of course, friends also sometimes fought over nonsense, but after a few days without talking to each other, the one who made a mistake went to look for her and apologized, cried and a hug after that, we did not remember why it was the fight. 😬😡😕😭😥😞😕😁😂😄
How do you know if your "friend" is a real friend.

A good friend is with you, in the good and bad times, supporting you, being honest at all times and tells you the truth no matter how difficult it may be. 👌 It does not judge you, you can trust, it listens to you when you need to talk.
A friend does not deliberately hurt your feelings. You can trust her. You enjoy her company, you laugh, and sometimes she cries with you. 😘
Does not ask, is discreet, it does not make you feel bad. She doesn't tell your secrets, over there like a "gossip". Top secret, nor to the Interpol!!😅 "Buddies"😛😂
The friends of our childhood and youth are very dear and are not forgotten, even if we do not see them for many years. 😊
But... since she is your friend, you feel that it is your "duty" to listen, to calm her down.
Suddenly, one day, you have a mishap that you need someone to listen to you, you need to vent, and ... You call her on the phone ... Watch out!!!... Besides, You are not calling her at midnight, when just you started to talk to her about your concern, suddenly she tells you ... Oh!!! my dear, You just catch me, but right now I'm on my way out, I'll call you later ... but!!! ... it is not the first time, that she leaves you talking with yourself,😟 and waiting for her call 😯 She didn't even call you to find out what happened to you.
I find out myself, that she did not want to spend time listen my problems.
Those kind of friends, they are NOT anyone's friends, they are selfish, they know how to use you!!! ... How? like your psychologist !!! and what's worse, without an appointment, and free!
So, what I did? Quickly, so quickly, I wrap "her" in a piece of news paper, not toilet paper, toilet paper is expensive,😵 I went to the bathroom, throw the paper in the toilet, and...I pull the chain!!!.When I left from my bathroom, I come out totally happy, relieved, and I don't even remember her name. 😜
What doesn't is good for you!!!... thrown away! False friends, even if they betray us, at the end of the day, You Win,👍 they give you experience, it is better to have only ONE friend, but honest, and it must be reciprocal.
According to what the Psychologists say: "Friendship is usually stronger than love"The Importance of our Childhood and Youth Friends
Who has the fortune of having the friendship of an authentic friend, has a treasure that must be valued and taken care.
Today "friendship" is confused/misinterpret with "acquaintances".
Are you one of the lucky ones that you have real friends?
Without any doubt, it is a very complicated issue, which deserves to give education to young people, to teach them the important meaning of what is true friendship, what is necessary for our life, I believe that without friends we could not live.
Sometimes it is difficult to get real friends in adulthood, due to the bad experiences we have had throughout our lives.
Lucky the one who have a friend. Friendship is earned.
Real friends call your attention to your good common sense, if you are doing something wrong in your life; but, without offending you, or making you feel bad, they offer you support whenever you need it.
Whoever talks about others, assumes that they will talk about you ... run strong like wildcats !!!!! Run away. They will give you big problems!!!
At this point in my analysis on the subject of "Friendship", that beautiful feeling; we have to talk about "Betrayal" ...
There is a proverb that says: Please, OMG !!! Take care of me from my friends, that from my enemies, I will take care of myself.
Why ? Will You take care yourself of Your Enemies? ... Because...We know they can attack us at any time. "It is better to have an enemy, who hits you in the face, than a friend who hits you in the back with a sword”.
At some point we had the bad experience of those "traitorous friends", who by the way it is very painful that leads to the breakdown of the trust we place in someone. 😪
Betrayal is that offense that violates loyalty, honesty which should be kept towards someone who tells you is your friend.
When we place our trust and total credibility in someone, and he/she breaks it, lies to us, deceives us, we can consider that we have been cheated, betrayed; fracturing the friendship.
The betrayal of what you thought was your friend, makes us feel enormous pain, anger; because it comes from close person, from the couple, the partner, the friend, in whom we have deposited our faith, confidence, trust, you feel humiliated and impotent, it frustrates you, which can lead some to depression for some time, but I can assure you, that you will recover.
As I always say, when something bad happens to us, and caused to much pain, for sure there is always a reason, that we do not perceive at this moment, but with the passing of time, we clearly understand that it was the best.
What do we have to do when we have suffered the misfortune of having a traitorous friend?
With all my sincere respect that you deserve, without wanting to offend anyone who is reading my comment, I did this!!! ..
So, we need to have this feeling for those kind of "friends" who betrayed us. Throw it, forget it, and go on!
In my personal book:
Betrayal is a serious, destructive, immoral, dishonest, indecent act. So, I am conclusive in this matter.
You can betray me once, it's your fault; but, I will not give you the opportunity a second time, it would be my fault. When trust, and loyalty are broken, it can never be regained, it is better to let them go.
It is no longer possible to trust again who has betrayed us. Personally, I do not forgive a betrayal, the one that betrays once, betrays again. It's their lifestyle.
International Friendship Day
As a comment to know ....The proposal to establish a day to celebrate friendship originates in Paraguay - South America.
In 1958 Paraguay, establishes a day to celebrate friendship and is raised by the World Friendship Crusade.
The International Friendship Day was designated, since 2011, on July 20 by the General Assembly of the United Nations to pay homage to this type of fundamental affection for humanity.
Tip: True friends are few and we have to take good care of them, as the most precious treasure that life can give us.
Reflections: "The true friends, with the jousts is counted on the fingers of one hand"
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