Do You Believe That Our “AGE” Have Some Influence or Impact On Our Brain?
Hello my friends of "Dress is an art" 👋 This time I will talk about a very interesting topic about the psychological effects that our age has on us.

In fact I promised myself, not to turn years after 50 years old.😇

So, my son use to tell me, he is going to be older than me! 😂 Usually, I feel how old I am when I exercise, I climb a lot of stairs, but the rest of the time I feel pretty good and much more when I go out on a date, go around with friends, or when I go to dance I feel much younger. 😛
What about you? Do they also tell you that you look younger than you really are, by your actions, or way of acting? Do you think you act according to your age? Find out if your way of behaving betrays your age! 😍
BIOLOGICAL AGE refers to the state of health, the degree of aging and the conditions of our cells, tissues and organs. Indicating the real age of our organism. Living beings have an internal clock that regulates sleep, body temperature, cellular processes, and the aging process.
Although, aging is irreversible, it can be delayed by leading a healthy life, avoiding excesses, exercises according to our chronological age, avoiding the abuse of alcohol, drugs, fatty foods and good sleep. 😟
Can we delay the aging process?

For my part I am trying. It is worth it! ... Until the next time when we'll "get together on line".
Take good care of yourselves, for your family and friends. Although, it bothers us to wear the face mask, and to be locked in our homes, it will be for a time...instead to be underground for eternity. :-(
What I say sounds ugly, I am sorry, but for now, it is our reality...
We all want to go to heaven, but no one, wants to die: Albert King