Thursday, May 26, 2022


I would say... and also of our wrinkles...

I was reading a very interesting article about... how this life is full of uncertainties, the hectic pace of life that we lead, and the consequences that worries, anxiety and stress bring to our health, which by the way they are quite negative, and I told myself I have to share it with my blogger friends.   πŸ˜”

It's the same: Worry, Anxiety, and Stress?                                           Psychologists explain that worry, anxiety, and stress  are different terms, and concepts.

What is worry?                                                                                                                                            "Worry is when we obsess over negative thoughts, repetitive, obsessive thoughts", said Melanie Greenberg, a psychologist. A recognized expert in stress management. That worry occurs only in your mind, not in your body.

How does worry work?                                                                                                Worry plays an important role in our lives, according to Luana Marques, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and president of the ADAA.

Examples:                                                                                                                              She says, when we think that we can't pay the rent, or we have to take a college exam; our brain is stimulated, and when we worry, our brain calms down.

Anxiety                                                                                                                        How to know if you suffer from anxiety?                                                                     In some way, I think that almost all of us have this feeling at some time, which is the result of some problems or setbacks of daily life, causing worries in our minds and it could be normal to the insecurities of life itself.

Anxiety is a physiological response. Anxiety is not an emotional state, nor a feeling, it has specific symptoms that can manifest in different ways in each person. 

What comes first anxiety or stress?                                                                                   Anxiety is a more frequent emotional reaction of alertness to a threat, and therefore high anxiety generates stress, which is the body's reaction to a threat.

Part of the nervous system increases heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and the size of the pupils. It also causes blood vessels to narrow and reduces digestive juices.

Anxiety & Stress                                                                                                        Somehow, I think that almost everyone sometimes, we have this feeling of anxiety, and could be normal to the insecurities of life itself.

We are afraid to get sick, to lose some loved one, to lose our job, we could say that they are normal emotions but, when anxiety becomes continuous, when it is hard for us to fall asleep, concentrate, stop performing the activities that we were doing; as to get out of home with the family, with friends, unappetize, if we stay at home for days, weeks, months, without interest of anything, when anxiety is strong, permanent, when this behavior destroys our lives, leading us to personal collapse, 😞 it is time to consider visiting a Neurologist, Psychologist, Family Therapist, to learn how to manage the anxiety, the stress.

In addition, since the appearance of the Covid-19 pandemic, our whole life is out of control, negative / positive news confuses you without knowing what to do, what decisions to make for the benefit of your family and this makes you feel a lot more stressed, and anxious; that in some people makes it difficult, and prevents them from falling asleep, does not allow them to rest to feel recovered from their energies the next day and as a result they feel stressed, they are consumed with fear, feeling nervous, agitation, panic, fatigue, worried, anxiety, low sex drive, mood swings, irritability, they cannot to concentrate; the most appropriate and advisable thing, is to listen to professional medical scientific informants.

Is it normal to feel anxiety?                                                                                Yes... It is normal to feel anxiety, it help you to perform better, and it is advantageous for our development and learning.

This state is not something pathological and does not pose a danger to physical health, it simply bothers you with unpleasant symptoms.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?                                                                               The most common symptoms of an anxiety disorder are:                                     Such as shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pressure, fear of losing control, feeling overly worried...dizzy...can't concentrate...feelings of agitation, estlessness...exhaustion...shakiness...irritability. ...vertigos...muscle rigidity...feeling dizzy...sweaty (panic disorder) headaches or stomachaches.

Can Children also suffer from anxiety?                   For moms, it is very, very, very important to keep in mind that children can also suffer from anxiety disorders, therefore you have to be very aware of them... some children can feel these symptoms, caused by conflicts at school, talk to them, ask what they did on their day, who they were with, get involved in all the children's activities, don't neglect the children. Try to create a habit even if it is 30 minutes before they sleep.

Children feel different emotions of what happens to them, they can be fear, concerns, so they, with your help, will learn to recognize danger and handle it safely, which is an important part of their development. So there are chances of a high percentage of avoiding serious future problems.

It's not anxiety's stress!!!                                                               Stress is a physiological response that is triggered in the body when the brain interprets "something" as dangerous or threatening.  Perceiving that your safety and well-being are in danger.

How do you know if you are stressed?                                                                      Well, if you have all this cocktail... which by the way is not your favorite drink, but everyone who is close to you can't stand you, and wants to run as soon as you ap pear there in someone's path...

Irritability, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite or anxiety about food, permanent tiredness, headache, lack of sleep, easy to get sick... These are just some few of the symptoms of stress.

When this reaction mechanism goes out of control, we often get blocked by the nerves and we are not able to stop it, and we can have an anxiety disorder.

So, if the anxiety happens often and with a high intensity, you can say that it is pathological = "patho" disease or suffer. "logical", which is synonymous study".

In other words, the simple concern you had for something, and thinking and thinking to the problem; gave way to anxiety, and since you can't handle the anxiety resulting from the problem, plus you didn't control yourself, you screwed up...

Now, you're stressed and the stress Without Control; it became a disease that you will have to treat with medical professionals....

Scientists say that one of the enemies of our health is stress. πŸ˜–

(By the way, I heard this word "Stress" for the first time, when I emigrated to the United States, 1986 "stressed") Everyone use to said “I am stress” I didn't understand the meaning.
I learned that our body releases a hormone 
This hormone called cortisol serves to increase the level of sugar in the blood (glycemia), when this hormone exceeds more than normal, it produces negative effects on our blood pressure, and they call it “the stress hormone”; and as a consequence it stimulates us to feel hungry, we want to eat everything we find in our way, and therefore, we will consume a lot, but not necessarily healthy foods, but foods rich in fats, sweets, (junk food) and as a result, we gain weight. 😞

What do nutritionists and endocrinologists advise us?
Nutritionists and endocrinologists advise us; that as our body produces steroids naturally to facilitate some functions, such as combating stress, πŸ˜” the steroids help in the control of metabolism, promote growth, the development of sexual characteristics, the ability to resist diseases and injuries, 😏 and considering that steroids affect our metabolism, this can sharpen our appetite, which leads to weight gain, in particular the deposit of fat in our abdomen, so we must control calories 🍏and exercise πŸƒ regularly to avoid excessive weight gain.

I know that many of us find it difficult to exercise and we look for a thousand excuses ... I am one of them! But I am trying. You can also try
. πŸ‘

What to eat to neutralize stress? 
Everyone talks about the diet here, and the diet there; personally I do not longer believe in diets. Because after a while we break it, and gain twice the weight. Much better is πŸƒ or 🏊 swim.

What to eat to counteract stress? Foods to remove stress

Fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, cottage cheese, pickles, dehydrated fruits, yogurt, whole grains. Fish. Nuts (almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts). πŸ˜‹

What vitamins fight stress and anxiety?
Vitamins are of great relevance and fundamental for the nervous system in the control of stress. Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. πŸ˜Š

How to eliminate stress and anxiety?

Another feasible way to alleviate stress and anxiety is exercise, spending time with your friends and family, dancing, laughing.  

Finally, I suggest you avoid stressful situations, changing your perspective and recognizing that there are things in life that you cannot change, learn some ways to relax, do something you enjoy, such as gardening, knitting, sewing and most of all, getting enough sleep is important. 😁

1.- Organize our tasks by carrying a detailed agenda of        our day, starting with the most difficult.
2.- Healthy foods. ...
3.- Sleep enough...
4.- Try to exercise

5.- Activities you enjoy ...
6.- Relax / spend time with your friends
7.- If you like to dance, even if you are alone ...
8.- Don't worry about small things ...

9.- Listen to music ...
10.- Watch programs that make you laugh ...
11.- Do some activity to relax like gardening, knitting,           sewing, painting, something you really enjoy, 
         so that stress doesn't pollute your mind.
Do you want to know one of my secrets?   

My secret to mitigate the sensation of anxiety, stress, and it has worked for years is: Every day at night, I fill my tub with water, as hot as my skin supports, a magazine, music, (I forget even my name); πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜†when I finish my bath I feel like a new person; in mind, happy of life.

Well ... despite the adversities that are part of our lives, and that at the end of it all: it is the price for living. πŸ˜‚

I perfume myself, I turn off the phones, I just leave communication with my children and I think, that everything will be much better tomorrow. 😍
Let's use our perfumes, don't use them only when you go out, enjoy them, they are for you!.. πŸ˜€

Everything has a solution, except death and (over there, I read that someone, returned from death). πŸ˜‘
Let's fight for what has a solution, what does not... turn the page; at some point everything is resolved... I am not conformist!... on the contrary. I don't want you to be a conformist, fight for what you want! But without stressing out ...

My mother used to tell me: "Daughter, what has no earthly solution... leave it to God... "Well, choose in the God You believe" It does not mean that you will stay with your arms crossed ...πŸ˜€ I will tell you my blogger friend, since I have the privilege that you take the time to read my blog; Thinking in this way has helped me a lot in my life, as life sometimes gives you some negative surprises.

 I hope you liked, and enjoyed this topic. It will be until next time, when we meet online. Take care. Please, keep wearing your mask, and keep your distance.
Live Life To The Fullest, and Focus On The Positive!

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Let's talk about a little bit of...     Do you know what collagen is in our body?                                                     ...