Thursday, June 16, 2022


Let's talk about a very interesting topic... The Inevitable Of Aging

In my previous commentary I was talking about how essential it is to exfoliate your skin, (I exfoliate myself every other day) so that it remains soft, bright and free from that rough and dry skin that gives you the appearance of neglected skin.

The Inevitability of Aging 

The passing of the years is inescapable. Aging is part of life. It is an unavoidable process, but we resist reaching old age; although old age is unavoidable, much depends on the decisions we make; according to scientific evidence, it shows that health, and happiness depend more on our thoughts, and beliefs than on our biological age. The goal is to achieve healthy aging by changing our perception of life, and old age.

How can you look younger than your chronological age?... Exfoliation is one of the secrets,  and should be a must in your shower.                                                                            Because your skin is constantly exposed, and if you don't give it the treatment it needs with exfoliation to remove all those superficial skin impurities (which is dead skin), acquired by age, environmental conditions, etc., your skin will look aged, and wrinkles will be accentuated due to lack of care. 😊
                           Speaking of how inevitable it is to escape from old age, and although aging is irreversible, and develops slowly throughout life, almost without realizing the biological and psychological changes, until one day we pay attention, and look at each other the mirror in which wrinkles appear what I do not want to have. OMG! We didn't even notice!!!!! πŸ˜’                                                                                                                
I started researching something that scientists are constantly talking about what they call the famous "collagen" and this is what I found, and would like to share with you.                            Let's start with: What is the chronological age of a person?                 Scientists new study shows that it is impossible and inevitable to stop the natural process of aging, that it start after 50 years old. (It may be true, but I want to think aging is in our mind), the chronological age is only a number, that is the one that is measured in years since we were born.

Now, to have a successful, and good quality aging, that is the biological age, it will depend on how you have led your life as much as possible with respect to the excesses in your life.                                 

It varies a lot from one person to another. Not all of us age at the same way, some of us have a biological age greater than our chronological age and vice versa.

As we get older it is normal that these hateful wrinkles appear, there is no way to escape the natural process of aging, but luckily for us women and of course men too 😊 there are aesthetic treatments to give us a more healthy, young, fresh look and...the blessed surgeries!!! that made us very happy, πŸ˜‰and if you have the "money" πŸ˜‰, And if you dare go through the knife .πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.. why not?... That's great! πŸ‘ That is why, there are cosmetic surgeons, who do miracles! πŸ˜‰ Very expensive ... but worth it!

But without overdoing, because after so much surgery you run the risk of being deformed by facial features and your beautiful kids and your dear friends will not recognize you, 😊 πŸ˜‰ 😏 therefore you have to be very careful when choosing the surgeon, find out their background as a good professional, to avoid having later problems, that you have to regret. 
                    In this issue, my reader friend, you do not have to squeeze your wallet, do not look for the cheapest. Cheap is expensive. πŸ‘

Why do some people get wrinkles at an early age?                                                      They can be for various reasons. People who have been exposed for a long time under the sun, tanning beds, tobacco, alcohol, drugs; they are more likely to have more wrinkles ahead of time. πŸ˜”

According to the scientists a 25 percent is determined by genetic patterns, the other 75 percent is conditioned by variable factors: food, sun exposure, pollution, life habits, which of course we can control. πŸ‘

What is the Collagen, Its Importance and in what benefits us?                                  One of the proteins in our body is the "collagen". It is said that approximately 7 percent of the body mass of the human body is collagen.

What for is the collagen?
The collagen is a fundamental natural protein that our body produces, essential and necessary protein for the regeneration and flexibility of our bones,
collagen takes care for uniting the ligaments, in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, skin, the organs, in short throughout our body, giving firmness, elasticity and hydration to help preserve the skin and prevent wrinkles. 😲!!!

According to the scientists a 25 percent is determined by genetic patterns, the other 75 percent is conditioned by variable factors: food, sun exposure, pollution, life habits, which of course we can control. πŸ‘

What is the Collagen, Its Importance and in what benefits us?
One of the proteins in our body is the "collagen". It is said that approximately 7 percent of the body mass of the human body is collagen.

Biological wear of the skin                                                                                            But unfortunately from 30/35 years this production of collagen begins to decrease and as a consequence at 70 years of age, the loss of this protein is approximately 30% and as a result a "tragedy"!! will appear the detestable wrinkles and the odious flaccidity.

Doctors say that at age 40 our body start gradually reduces collagen. Over the years our body is deteriorating due to natural causes, presenting in the form of wrinkles caused by physical and chemical changes and as a result the aging of our body, losing the firmness of youth because we are losing three important elements for our skin: the collagen begins to weaken and disappear. 😱 😱!!!

This reduction in the level of collagen induces the loss of elasticity, flexibility, pains and deficiencies in the joints, muscles, wear and tear on the eyes, and those odious wrinkles that we hate and do not want to have 😭 πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚ . Then one of the proteins in our body that is collagen (the protein that gives firmness to the skin) becomes thinner and weaker.

How to continue having an enviable, smooth, soft and shiny skin?...

But unfortunately from 35/40 years this production of collagen begins to decrease and as a consequence at 70 years of age, the loss of this protein is approximately 30% and as a result a "tragedy" 😡!!... will appear the detestable wrinkles and the odious flaccidity.

How to continue having an enviable, smooth, soft and shiny skin, despite having passed 50 years of age?... Well... girls, do not get depressed, on the contrary, I am in those years, and I struggle a lot to take care of my skin and I would like you too, for that reason I share with you what I am learning from this protein so important for our body what is collagen. πŸ˜†

How to continue having an enviable, smooth, soft and shiny skin, despite having passed 50 years of age?... Well... girls, do not get depressed, on the contrary, I am in those years, and I struggle a lot to take care of my skin and I would like you too, for that reason I share with you what I am learning from this protein so important for our body what is collagen. πŸ˜†

Nutritionists give a guide of what we should not miss in our diet to look a beautiful skin. hair, skin, nails and joints are supported by collagen. πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‹

Proteins: Lentils, chickpeas and sesame: contain lysine which is an essential amino acid and must be obtained through food. Chicken, meat, salmon, eggs. Magnesium, zinc, vitamin C. πŸŒ±πŸ”πŸ„πŸŸπŸ πŸ“

Fruits: Oranges, kiwi, lemons, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli; rich in vitamin C which helps in the production of collagen to keep the skin firm and healthy. πŸˆπŸ‡πŸ‹πŸŽπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ’πŸ“πŸ‰πŸŒΏ

 Cashews: Consuming only a handful of these nuts that have high amounts of copper will help in the formation of collagen in our body.

Colapez or gelatin without flavor contains collagen and you can also find it by making yourself the soups of chicken legs.πŸ‹πŸ―πŸ΅

Drinking water. I'm not a good water drinker, but I'm trying really hard to drink water with lemon almost without sugar.☕

Now, I understand why my grandmother and my mom often made the famous vegetable soups in which there were a lot fresh of chicken feet , which we the children hated, and said ugg!! Disgusting !!! πŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜‹πŸ˜† and we had to take the soup!

Did you know that gelatin is made with chicken legs? Gelatin contain collagen. Some time ago I started eating vegetable soup with chicken feet at night, at first I made my face ugly, but like everything in life, I've gotten used to it, especially in winter, it's very comforting, it fills your stomach, I add a little rice and a handful of flavorless oatmeal and best of all, it's not fattening. After that you like it. You can try it.πŸ‘

My mother loved to eat chicken leg bones. 😝😏😊😊 She told us "calcium is in the bones" She was very strong, she died a natural death at the age of 92, I remember her with lots of love and smiles, she was very positive even in the most difficult moments, and my aunt Thula, my mother's sister, also passed away from natural causes at the age of 100. The two sisters had a very nice and very special character. Rest in peace with our Lord.

Tip: With these tips and advice you will begin to notice the results on your skin, in a few weeks. But please remember to consult with a professional about it.
                                                                                                                        Reflection: The love of a mother is similar in all species. πŸ‘§ 

Until the next time we "meet online" to talk. Leave your opinions on my Facebook wall.

The best of luck in your day! Keep in mind, that we build our luck.πŸ‘¦




Let's talk about a little bit of...     Do you know what collagen is in our body?                                                     ...