Friday, May 13, 2022

For Lovers Of The World Of Natural Fibers.

 Updated on May 13-2022
A Look At This Beautiful Peruvian Animal That Is The Alpaca

Repeatedly, my clients ask me for information on "Alpaca wool", which by the way, is not very well known in these parts of the planet,๐Ÿ˜ƒand it is precisely, this alpaca wool is that I use in the vast majority of my products hand-woven for winter season.
This alpaca wool is what I use in the vast majority of my products hand-woven for winter season. Alpaca wool is a natural fiber (undoubtedly the prices are high) for obvious reasons. ๐Ÿ˜
Well, without further ado, let's go to the world of these incredible animals such as Alpacas, Llamas, Guanacos, and Vicunas; which are undoubtedly beautiful, and attractive. ๐Ÿ˜„

Facts About Alpacas
Alpaca belongs to the group of mammals with unique qualities, which differentiate them from other types of camelids. The alpaca, member of the order Artiodactyla and the family Camelidae. 

In addition to being a beautiful animal with expressive eyes, it offers us its wool, that is very precious.

The alpaca wool has become well known throughout the world. And although this natural wool is among the most expensive, it is still one of the most preferred for its quality, texture, softness, and long durability.๐Ÿ˜Š

Alpacas do not reach a height of one meter and can weigh about
70kgs. Alpaca is famous for its fiber, for being a highly valued wool, and of excellent quality. 

Meat is used, but not used as a pack animal. His domestication has been going on for thousands of years. Alpacas are very resistant to diseases. 

Something curious, when the alpacas are angry with each other, they spit out each other, as it shows that they are upset. Alpaca is a very friendly animal. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ˜†

Its friendly nature makes it a pet for children, as for the company of people of any age. Alpacas are intelligent, meek and easy to train. They learn simple orders quite easily.

The alpaca is similar to the Llama, and the Guanaco in its external appearance, an adult specimen is between 81 and 99 centimeters high, and its weight ranges between 48 and 84 kilograms. Alpacas are herbivores. They have 3 stomachs. The alpacas diet consists mainly of grass, hay and grain. Alpacas have two toes on each foot, they have padded feet. It has large and pointed ears. 
Its canine teeth are located in both jaws and measure about 3 centimeters in length. The females and males are quite similar physically, only with the difference that the canine teeth of the males are larger, than those of the female. 

Its body is thin with a long narrow neck; its thin neck can be seen when it is not covered with wool, its wool grows up to 50 centimeters and has a diversity of shades such as white, brown and black. The fur can be an even or multicolored color. The alpaca is very stately and elegant walking. ๐Ÿ˜„
Alpaca Habitat      

The alpaca lives in the Andean regions of South America at an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level. 

They live in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Argentina, but at present Alpacas were first also imported by countries such as the United States, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand since the 1980s.

The Alpacas are native to the Peruvian Andes. There are an estimated 3.5 to 4 million Alpacas in South America. 95% of these are found in the southern regions of Peru. 
They live in the mountains, savannas and grasslands of the Andean Highlands, near humid areas and with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius at night. They are resistant to remain in water sources and humid places for a long time.

Reproduction Of The Alpaca
The alpaca is a polygamous species and its breeders ensure that they form harems composed of 5-10 females ๐Ÿ˜. The female reaches sexual maturity between 12, 24 months of age, although some are sexually mature until 3 years.

Female alpaca gives birth to a single offspring after a gestation period of 11½ months, they can reproduce throughout the year. Childbirth occurs after a gestation period that lasts between 242 and 345 days. Normally, only one calf is born that weighs approximately 8 or 9 kilos at birth, and is weaned at 6 and 8 months of age. An alpaca can live 20 years. 

Alpaca Behavior
The alpaca is no longer wild. The alpaca is a domesticated species, it is a social animal and lives in family groups. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Some researchers argue that the groups are organized hierarchically: they consist of an alpha male, female and male alpacas and their young.
Alpacas are able to warn their peers about some danger, producing a kind of squawking. 
They also usually defend themselves by spitting or kicking intruders.๐Ÿ˜

When an alpaca is separated from the rest of the pack for any reason, they are thrown themself to the ground, they are so stubborn, that before giving up, that they can receive any form of punishment and even death, but there is no way to move them. (Reminds me of one of my children when was little) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚  
Alpaca Feeding
It is an exclusively herbivorous animal. They need a lot of food to satisfy themselves and its diet is made up of grass, hay, stems, bark, tree leaves and grass species. Alpacas breeders usually supplement the animals' diet daily with a dose of cereals with vitamins for growth.

They Share the Bathroom Together
Alpacas have a very special habit that very few animal species have. When they feel like going to do their needs, they all go to the same place as the others.๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Alpacas choose a specific place where they deposit the manure (as if it were a bath). The great advantage is that this makes them one of the cleanest and tidiest animals. 
Alpaca Fiber is Exceptionally Soft
One of the reasons why alpaca wool is so soft, is that almost none of its types exceeds 30 microns thick, this means that the alpaca wool gives way easily and does not act against our skin.

Production Of Alpaca Wool
They have more than 6 thousand years existing. Alpacas have been domesticated by the Incas. They are raised primarily for the quality of their fur, which has made alpaca fiber one of the best in the world. Before, it was used only by the nobility and the Inca elite.With which sweater fabrics, ponchos, coats, bedding and much more are made.
Wool composed of a mixture of acrylic fiber and natural baby alpaca fiber, twisted, and dyed in full color. During the production process the wool is treated to obtain a smooth touch finish and very defined colors. Its high content of natural fibers gives it a fine appearance.

Alpaca wool, like any yarn or wool, in the cleaning process it is possible to remove 95% of the dirt from the alpaca, compared to 43% to 76% of sheep's wool. In addition ... its fibers do not contain fat! Alpaca wool has about 30 natural colors.

Prior to the shearing the alpacas are selected paying attention that they meet a minimum of weight and age, give the animal security, so that they feel in comfortable and healthy conditions.

Shearing is the process of harvesting the fiber of the Alpaca. Basically it is the cutting of the wool, which is given to alpacas once a year during the months of October and November with the name of fleece; taking advantage of the warmer temperatures of spring.
A fleece of Alpaca or the fiber extracted from the alpaca, can weigh between 2.70 to 3 kg (6 and 6.60 lbs) giving about 2 kg (4.40 lbs) of yarn. The alpaca fleece comes in many different colors: black, silver, gray, white, brown and beige. Alpacas have been bred for a specific shade of fleece. 

After shearing, the fiber is put in bales and taken to the factory, so that it can be classified by hand according to its finish and color, preserving the ancient traditions that date back to Pre-Inca times.
In the shearing, the wool is classified according to the use that is going to be given, then, comes the washing, scarving, spinning, bleached, dyeing, winding, weaving, confection and finally ironing and vaporizing.

Alpaca Wool Washing Process
Wool washing process is a wet process where dirty wool is washed in a series of pans with hot water and special detergents that are used to remove natural or acquired impurities from the fibers.
As soil, fat, mineral salts and other pollutants associated with the fibers. The process uses soap alkali, or non-ionic detergents, to clean the wool fibers. Finally, they are rinsed and dried. 
                       Properties Of The Alpaca Wool
Considering that alpaca fiber is valuable and with so many properties, caring for these alpaca garments is not expensive. Alpaca garments are kept clean for longer and with a bright appearance. It has thermal capacity, it is soft, resistant. Very scarce in the market, which makes it more exclusive. Alpaca fiber has become the favorite of designers and customers.

*Alpaca fiber is very thin, it can reach 19 microns of fineness.
*Alpaca fiber is three times stronger than that sheep's hair and seven times hotter. (merino wool).
*Alpaca fiber does not contain fat, oil or lanolin.
*Alpaca fiber is resistant, achieving very durable and easy-care garments.
*Alpaca fiber is hypo allergic due to its great finesse.
*Alpaca fiber has more than 22 natural colors (brown and gray)

Wool And Combined
*Wool can also be 100 percent natural or mixed with some synthetic elements.
*Being more natural causes itchy skin
*There is another combination of alpaca fiber with sheep fiber, this combination is widely used      because it adds to the benefits of known alpaca fiber.
*Another combination used is Alpaca fiber with angora rabbit fiber whose characteristic is extreme softness and shine.
*Wool in a mixture of acrylic fiber and natural baby alpaca fiber:
*Baby Alpaca 70% - Acrylic 30%
*Baby Alpaca 30% - Acrylic 70%

International Markets

Designers such as Giorgio Armani and leading brands use Suri quality alpaca wool in men's and women's suits.

It competes with advantage against the most used fibers such as sheep's wool, cashmire or mohair, in terms of softness and beauty. In appearance, the hair of the alpaca is very similar to human hair, and has a dense and lustrous appearance.

Alpaca fiber (wool garments) is revolutionizing the international market and the  famous catwalks of the fashion industry, have been accepted thanks to the quality of its products, which makes them increasingly competitive.

I hope you enjoyed this article about the alpaca, the llama, the vicuรฑa and the guanaco; that they belong to the Artiodactyla Camelidae family, and how we benefit from all these animals in one way or another, and that these animals are also a very important part for the stability of our world.  
I would like to suggest you, that it is essential to teach our children at an early age,  that we should treat all animals with respect and affection. 

"Do not kill for sport, if not necessary".





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